• Open Door Community Church

    Come As You Are

  • Passionate Worship

    We are unashamedly passionate when it comes to praising Jesus
  • Community

    Bringing the Good News of Christ to North Marion County

A Note From the Pastor

I know going to a new church for the first time can be a little uncomfortable. I get that, so I want to give you an idea of what to expect when you come.

I hope you’ll find the ODCC church is a place of grace. We laugh often, talk a lot, make mistakes, share life, and grow together – like any family does. We have many diverse interests and personalities, but what we have in common is Jesus Christ. Our service is casual, so dress however you feel comfortable. We start the service as a family – children of all ages are invited to worship alongside their parents. Then, right before the sermon children are dismissed to Bible Adventures.

Check out our website. It will tell you a lot about who we are: our values and priorities, what we believe as well as tell you about some things we do around here. I hope you will consider coming and worshiping with us.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Brian Ricketts


We welcome visitors and would love 

to see you at one of our services

Sunday School Classes: 9:30 AM

Worship Service: 10:30 AM

Our Values

Worshiping God

The highest purpose and joy of all people is to glorify the one true God. Se we seek to passionately adore Him – individually and corporately – experiencing and responding to Him in honest worship.

The Word of God

It is the Bible – which finds its center in Jesus – that is our foundation, guide and the final authority in all we do, believe and say.  This means will strive to never do, believe or communicate anything that contradicts it but only what it affirms.


We recognize that people and relationships are what are important.  People need to be cared for, accepted, feel like they belong and to connect with others.  So as we go, speaking the truth in love, we will serve people, using our gifts, accepting that people are messy while pointing them to Jesus so they can worship God the true source of joy.